The magical light of summer: Sunsets & the sea

July 16, 2014

in Living in Sweden,Stockholm

stockholm The Djurgården ferry.


Stockholm Summer cruising.


Stockholm Stromma steam ship and Grona Lund.


Boats,  summer light, the Baltic Sea. What’s not to love? The evening and late-night light of Stockholm fascinates me this time of year.  Maybe it’s just the contrast between the long light now and the lack of light in the winter, but I don’t think it’s just that. It’s also the golden glow of the light.

And as much as I love being back in the US and seeing family and friends, I do have to say that I miss those long hours of Stockholm summer light.

That said, I have been having lots of fun with family and friends. And it FEELS like summer here. Which is not something that could be said about Swedish summer for the most part this year!


stockholm The view from Nici and Roger’s new jetty.


stockholm Old town sunset.


stockholm archipelago The light at 3 am in the archipelago.

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