Stockholm in winter white

December 18, 2009

in Stockholm,Travels

The snow on Djurgården yesterday.

The snow on Djurgården yesterday.

It snowed most of yesterday but today we are seeing some sun in our winter wonderland. Being the fair weather-obsessed city that Stockholm is, the mood of the city has changed from morose last week to cheery now. And it is all thanks to the snow. The snow makes dark Sweden bright again and even the night seems luminous and almost summer like. As opposed to all the rain of the last month and a half when I absolutely did not want to be out, now I want to be out again.

Me battling the elements yesterday.

Me battling the elements yesterday.

My window ledges and balconies all have newly formed snow mounds. Any car on the street that has not been driven in a day or so is now barricaded with four-foot walls thanks to the snow plows. I am glad to not be dealing with that aspect of car ownership! Being Sweden, the snow is taken care of in an orderly fashion and streets and sidewalks are plowed and a sandy gravel mix is put down. It is somehow so very Swedish to me that there are year-round signs (labeled sandas ej) that announce which stairways and paths are not sanded for your traction and walking ease.

MB posing stoically in spite of the winter gale.

MB posing stoically in spite of the winter gale.

I love how everyone gets out in the snow and embraces it, at least for the moment. Yesterday at lunch, I saw a group of 4 year olds – each with their own snow disk – sledding and racing down the small hills and just laying in the snow enjoying it all. I wanted to do the same. maybe later.

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