Let the holidays begin

November 29, 2010

in Cultural differences,Stockholm,Swedish traditions

Christmas tree

A Christmas tree was put up in the courtyard of our building on Saturday. Photo by Robert Corkery.

I love this time of year. In spite of being an otherwise responsible adult, I can’t get enough of the pre-Christmas rituals. And I’m not talking about shopping, but rather the putting out of decorations, lights, candles and trees, the serving up of holiday treats. It just makes me happy.

On Saturday, neighbors put up a big and beautiful spruce in the courtyard of our building and decorated it with white lights. Snow immediately frosted the branches as well since winter seems to have settled in over the last 10 days. I couldn’t stop singing “We need a little Christmas.” And on Sunday, Robert and I got out some of our decorations, hanging a star in the kitchen window and putting up lights and some of the other pieces I’ve accumulated from around the world over the years. I haven’t gotten to use my ornaments in six years, however, as we always travel and have not had a tree of our own since living abroad.

glogg and pepparkakor

Sweidsh pepparkakor and glögg. We drank last year's glögg, which was clementine in flavor. This year's flavor is saffron – not one of my favorite tastes!

A few friends came over for glögg or hot mulled wine last night. Nici and Roger brought a homemade glögg that we drank along with a clementine version from Blossa. Celebrating the first of advent is a big tradition here and we combined the wine with pepparkakor or ginger cookies, nuts, clementines and figs. Over the next few weeks of holiday parties, I’ll be served way too much glögg with almonds and raisins. When I first moved here, I didn’t like the taste of the stuff, but now I willingly ask for a cup…just not too much.


1 Roger November 29, 2010 at 11:10

you ARE getting Swedenized 🙂

2 admin November 29, 2010 at 14:20

Too funny Roger! I’ve always loved Christmas, but the glögg is a new like!

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