Icy and magical Stockholm

January 14, 2010

in Stockholm,Travels

This golden yellow house on Södermalm provides a flash of color to the otherwise all white and gray landscape.

This golden yellow house on Södermalm provides a flash of color to the otherwise all white and gray landscape. All photos this page by Robert Corkery.

Since I have been back to Stockholm, I’ve felt like I am living on a movie set. The landscape looks just a little too perfect, a little too magical to be real. A thick ice continues to cover the trees with white crystals that contrast perfectly with the soft gray winter sky. In fact, both the sky and land seem to made up of shades of gray and white. The sky is soft and warm gray in contrast to the cold white of the snow and the icy, reflective white of the frozen trees. And gray and white seagulls are swarming everywhere, looking for food.

The trees and bushes look as if they have been transformed into some sort of coral from the Barrier Reef. When you get up close to the branches, you can see that they are covered with huge crystals. Every day, I keep expecting that the frost will melt. But instead, the frost seems to layer on even thicker overnight.

It may be cold outside and treacherous in places as well, but it looks spectacular.

Frost formations.

Frost formations.

Crazy crystals.

Crazy ice crystals.

A frosty branch.

An icy branch.


1 MB January 14, 2010 at 15:08

Beautiful photos.


2 Jodi January 14, 2010 at 16:09

Every time I go out I can’t believe I think it’s prettier than the last time I was out! It has been such a joy to see nature’s beauty in winter.

3 admin January 14, 2010 at 22:37

Thanks MB!

4 admin January 14, 2010 at 22:38

I feel the same way.

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