Dog days of winter

January 26, 2010

in Stockholm,Travels

Leftover mittens and gloves at Kristinehovsmalmgård.

Leftover mittens and gloves at Kristinehovsmalmgård.

You know that snow has been around for a while when all the snowmen and forts in the park are turning yellow thanks to “visits” from dogs. Luckily, snow is predicted to be on its way again to mask all the bad behavior.

Another sign of the staying power of winter is the ever-growing line of mittens and gloves at Kristinehovsmalmgård. There is now quite a collection of knitwear looking for mates.

On a very happy note for me, sunset is now at 3.50. Even though it seems to be eternally gray here, things are getting lighter every day. I even saw the sun for a few minutes today when I was out at lunch. It’s been so long, it made my eyes hurt. But I don’t care. Bring on the light!

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