Snow warning for Stockholm

January 27, 2010

in Stockholm,Travels

While there is already quite a lot of snow in Stockholm, I am happy to get some more today.

While there is already quite a lot of snow in Stockholm, I am happy to get some more today.

Just for the sake of something different besides gray skies, I am loving the forecast for a Klass 1 snöfall for Stockholm from SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute: Från morgonen eller förmiddagen snöfall som fram till kvällen kan ge 10-15 cm, tidvis kan vinden vara frisk sydvästlig. In other words, we are predicted to get snow and lots of it. Yippee!


Onsdag 27 januari Detaljerad prognos
13.00 Snö -5° S 9 (14) m/s
19.00 Snö -3° S 7 (10) m/s

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