Our Södermalm apartment has been stripped of most of our belongings and furniture. We still have a few things to take to the Salvation Army — anyone need a sofa bed, hutch or bookcase? Our friends Nici and Roger helped us inaugurate our new temporary apartment in Kungsholmen last night with a glass of wine and then we had dinner in the new neighborhood at the Texas Burger Company. (They made a pretty good burger, I have to say.) And then since it was such a nice night, we came back over to Söder to enjoy the view from the balcony and ended up staying the night on the sofa bed. It just seemed right somehow. For now, we need to do some final cleaning and wrapping up and then we start a new life in a new part of town. The adventure will be good.
Transitions, part two
Previous post: In transition
Next post: End of summer
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