The tunnel of love

March 6, 2013

in Living in Sweden,Stockholm

stockholm kth

The tunnel of love at Stockholm's KTH/Royal Institute of Technology.

“I’m in the tunnel of love,” said Robert the other day on the phone, pronouncing love with two syllables as if he were some sort of gigolo on a mission.

Uh huh, I replied. And I’m at Magic Mountain.

“No really, I am in the tunnel of love,” he insisted.

OK, what ARE you doing, I asked, beginning to wonder what the heck he was up to THIS time.

“There’s construction on the way to my office and I have to go through a tunnel. Someone spray painted kärlek (love) tunnel on it.”

Oh. Well that’s rather sweet.

“Yeah, I thought you’d like it. That’s why I called.”

Then the other day, Robert took me there so I could walk through the tunnel of love too.




1 janerowena March 6, 2013 at 11:58

I suppose you have to take your romance where you can find it!

2 Sandra March 11, 2013 at 20:53

I suppose you are right Jane!

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