The bucket list

May 5, 2011

in Living in Europe,Stockholm

walking on kunsholmen

Robert and his bike on Kungsholmen. We still love exploring Stockholm.

It’s things like the bucket list that make me realize that I’ve been living out of the US for a long time. This was obviously a trendy cultural term, but it was not part of my vocabulary AT ALL. I kept hearing my American friends use the phrase and while I could guess what it meant, I did not know for sure and I didn’t know where it came from or when it become so popular.

Google was able to tell me that The Bucket List was a 2008 movie featuring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. I’d never heard of it. (Not surprising, I suppose.)  Basically, the two men go on a road trip with a wish list of things to do before they kick the bucket.

I like the idea. And I’m happy to say that living in Europe was on my “bucket list” long before I ever knew what a bucket list was. So I’ve been living my dream for over six years now. As for what else is on my list, travel and lots of it. While I’ve traveled, I still seem to have a never-ending list of places I want to visit. It’s a good thing I’m not planning  to kick the bucket yet.

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