Stormy skies over the Baltic Sea

August 20, 2012

in Living in Sweden,Stockholm weather,Stockholm's archipelago,Sweden

stockholm archipelago

Clouds forming over the islands of Yxlan and Blidö.

stockholm archipelago

And here's the amazing light that resulted over the islands and the Baltic Sea.

Most every day here on the archipelago, we get a little rain. The clouds build up, the skies become dark and then the sun comes back out just as quickly, often with a rainbow to mark the transition. All this changing light  makes for some spectacular looking skies. And it makes me realize just how quickly summer is transitioning to autumn.



1 Lou Lou August 22, 2012 at 12:13

Lovely images! It is becoming autumn quickly but lucky it’s my favourite season, however this fact will not stop me from complaining a lot about the cold and darkness on my blog. And at least we get to crack open a nice big Barossa Shiraz 🙂

2 Sandra August 22, 2012 at 22:48

Thanks Lou Lou. It feels like summer was on Sunday and autumn started Monday, doesn’t it? So fast. I am more of a summer girl myself, but a big shiraz sounds fabulous.

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