Snow danger!

February 6, 2010

in Stockholm,Travels

On Thursday, the temperatures warmed up a bit closer to zero. That’s when I began noticing the avalanches – large sheets of snow and ice falling from the roof tops. Some of the avalanches were happening of their own accord, while others were being provoked by the roof cleaners who either take a lift or climb up on roofs to knock down some of the excess snow. Sidewalks are blocked where there are roofs above with particularly nasty looking icicles and snow drifts. And there are even more rasrisk or snow warning signs cropping up all around the city.

Yesterday, I saw a big pile just miss a man walking down the street in front of me.  I watched four workers this morning shoveling the snow off of a steep roof across the street. They were hooked up with harnesses and repelling down the roof to remove the snow. Actually, two shoveled while two stood on top of the roof smoking cigarettes.

And the newspaper horror stories about the snow have started appearing as well. One woman that was hit by falling ice had to get 10 stitches in her head, while another had a compression fracture of the vertebrae thanks to falling snow. It’s crazy stuff here in Stockholm.

Snow being knocked one of the buildings on Hornsgatan.

Snow being knocked from a building on Hornsgatan. Photo by Robert Corkery.

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My view of Stockholm | 59 North
February 9, 2010 at 10:20


1 Kezia February 6, 2010 at 22:11

Is that a JLG lift clearing snow off that roof? Our dads are inside watching basketball because it is only 60 degrees and windy in the Florida Panhandle. I snickered — “bad” weather is relative : )

2 Antropologa February 8, 2010 at 16:49

You are really freaking me out about our move to Sweden in April from our island home in South Carolina, USA, I have to say. 🙂

3 admin February 8, 2010 at 17:26

Oh my! You will be fine. This has apparently been the coldest and snowiest winter in about 100 years. So next year is bound to be better.
If it helps, keep in mind that the weather will be much better by the time you arrive. And the long days of sunlight are glorious as well as addictive. Experiencing those days that don’t quite end will make you happy! And you could just be switching one island home for another..I live on an island in the center of Stockholm, for instance.

4 admin February 8, 2010 at 21:18

You know, I am not sure. I will have to check next time!

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