Seagull terror

April 13, 2010

in Stockholm,Travels

Seagulls nesting in Stockholm. Photo by Robert Corkery.

The oh so very nice and sweet looking seagull parents that nested on my balcony and then terrorized me. Photo by Robert Corkery.

It’s that time of year again. I am hearing the preliminary squawking cacophony of seagulls that tells me one thing: it’s nesting season again. I have nothing against bird life in particular. In fact, I put out birdseed all winter long. But I do not like seagulls.

It started a few years ago when seagulls nested in a windowbox on my balcony here in Stockholm. The beasts held me captive for an entire spring and summer. If I tried to step foot on the balcony, I was swooped and screeched at in a terrifying manner. It was my balcony darn it, they were the squatters. But I was afraid to go out. (Read the full story here.) And then there was the incident on Manly Beach in Sydney where a seagull took my sandwich right out of my hands. I was hungry and and the little thief stole my lunch. As my final piece of evidence as to the rodent-ness of seagulls, I offer the time in Copenhagen when I saw an adult eat a baby seagull in one gulp. Carnivore!

My grudge against the seagull population has only built up over the last few years. Before that, they were a happy symbol of vacations at the beach. But no more. Now I live in fear that I will be attacked on my balcony again. And every time one lands with a loud thud on my skylight, I am afraid the big beast will come through the window. Crazy birds.


1 Sharon April 14, 2010 at 07:55

My girlfriend in LA took her kids to the beach and put her keys (car and house) in a paper bag with a chocolate chip cookie. Need I go on?

2 admin April 14, 2010 at 08:03

Oh, that is a good one Sharon. A few years back, I put a chocolate bar in the same pocket as my mobile on a hot summer day. That was also a good mess. Although a few numbers did not work, the phone did !

3 Sharon April 14, 2010 at 10:12

Ah, at least you still had your phone! In my story, the seagull flew away with the bag and all its contents!

4 admin April 14, 2010 at 10:46

Sharon: Just another reason for me to dislike those seagulls!

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