Sculpture by the sea

June 6, 2015

in Art, architecture, music, film & books

sculpture by the sea Den Uendelige Bro (The Endless Bridge) by Johan Gjode and Niels Povlsgaard. Click on the photo to see the full image. All photos copyright Sandra Carpenter.


Sculpture by the sea Volatile Structure VI by Geraldo Zamproni.


By the sea, along the beach and through the forest. That’s where the art show was that I went to yesterday.  I’ve been in Aarhus, Denmark for an article assignment and I was lucky enough to be in town for the opening day of Sculpture by the sea.

This show is a unique outdoor sculpture exhibition that is set up along the coast of Aarhus. It’s free, catalogs are available for purchase if you want to know more and you can look at the sculptures any time during the day or night for the next month. And of course, the “gallery” itself provides a perfect setting to enjoy the work of 56 different artists from around the world.

It was Danish national day, so people were out picnicking, walking, jogging and just hanging out with the sculptures, and depending on the piece and if you were allowed to, they were sitting and climbing on and under them and even kissing one.  This is the fourth exhibition of its kind in Denmark and it happens every other year. It’s modeled on a concept from Australia which started in Sydney in 1997. Crown Princess Mary is from Australia and brought the idea to Denmark together with her husband Crown Prince Frederik.

I love the idea and the execution of the show and if you are in Aarhus, it is well worth checking out!



Sculpture by the sea Horizon by Lucy Humphrey.


Sculpture by the sea Inner Sanctum by Ron Robertson-Swann.


Sculpture by the sea Give me a kiss by Qian Sihua.


Sculpture by the sea Divine three winds by Norbert Francis Attard.


Sculpture by the sea Divided Planet by Jorg Plickat.


sculpture by the sea Kakashi by Zilvinas Kempinas.


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