Posing on the terrace at the Lydmar Hotel. We were there on Sunday and it was chilly, so we had the place to ourselves.
On a beautiful day, you want to be outside. And while there are a lot of great spots to eat and drink outside in Stockholm, they’re scattered all over town. So it seems like I always think of the perfect place to go after I’ve been somewhere that wasn’t nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Thus I thought I would start compiling some of my favorite outdoor restaurants and bars here. While I’ll be covering them regularly and have a long list of options, I would love to hear where you like to go as well.
First up, I thought I would go high end and we went to the Lydmar Hotel. Nestled in between the Grand Hotel and the National Museum, the Lydmar has a gorgeous terrace, part of which has a view of the water. And there is also a ground level drinking spot just in front of the entrance, by the way. Service was good and the music a fun mix of reggae. But as you might imagine at a high-end hotel, drinks aren’t cheap – a glass of wine or champagne ranges from 95 to 160 SEK (that’s $15-25 US dollars).
The terrace is nice – but the prices!!! Nearly double what they would cost in the UK. I can see that to be an alcoholic, you would have to be wealthy in Sweden. Perhaps we should try it over here, although most people only drink one glass when they go out for meal unless using public transport, because of drinking and driving regulations.
Good point Jane. Having drinks out is generally a pricey proposition in this town! That said, the Lydmar is a more expensive option. On average, a glass of wine will cost about 90-100 SEK in a pub or bar. Crazy, huh? As for drinking and driving, there is zero tolerance for it here. People take public transport or have a designated driver.
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