On the banks of the Ohio River

July 22, 2012

in Cincinnati: my hometown

cincinnati's suspension bridge

The Suspension Bridge over the Ohio River with The Banks park in the foreground.

the banks cincinnati

One of the fountains at The Banks.

This bridge across the Ohio River is the John A. Roebling Suspension bridge. And yes, it does look a lot like the Brooklyn Bridge. That’s because Roebling designed it too. But the one linking Cincinnati to Covington, Kentucky was completed first in 1866. Cool huh?

And the fountains above are new. They’re at the just opened but not quite complete park along the Ohio River called The Banks. But the best part about them is that they are designed to be run through on a hot summer day. Fun stuff.


1 Pat July 26, 2012 at 02:52

Hi Sandra,
Have been enjoying keeping up with your visit in the States.
Have fun.

2 Sandra July 27, 2012 at 03:01

Thanks Pat. It’s been a lot of fun to explore my hometown as a visitor.

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