November shades of gray

November 10, 2013

in Stockholm

Stockholm Stadshuset or city hall with a cloudy gray backdrop.


This November has been very Novembery so far. It’s been gray and rainy just about every day this month. You can just feel winter moving into town. Incidentally, this photo was taken today just before sunset. What time is sunset these days, you ask? It’s at 3.30. As in 3.3o IN THE AFTERNOON. That’s just not nice, is it?

In spite of that, it’s been a jam-packed and fun weekend. Maybe too much as I had on my pajamas by 7.30. But maybe we can just blame that on the gray?


1 Mary Jackson November 10, 2013 at 17:02

The city still looks beautiful in the gray…

2 Sandra November 10, 2013 at 20:18

It does indeed look beautiful in the gray. Thanks Mary. Hope all is well with you!

3 Satu VW / Destination Unknown November 11, 2013 at 17:44

Yeah… we landed in Stockholm in one of those Novembery days for sure! It’s still a beautiful city though and it was lovely to meet you!! 🙂

4 Sandra November 11, 2013 at 22:55

Great to meet you too, Satu! And thanks for the comment.

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