Missing baggage done well

January 26, 2011

in Travels

When you travel a lot, you are bound to run into missed flights, delayed luggage, crap meals and overcrowded planes. These days, I almost expect to be annoyed. So it is nice when an airline comes through and does the right thing by you.

As you may remember, our flight to the US in December was delayed in Paris and then we did not receive our suitcases for 11 days. Our tickets were booked on Air France/Delta. When we were rerouted to Boston, we were placed on US Airways for our final flights to Cincinnati. By that time, our luggage was long gone, reportedly still back in Paris. We waited and waited for it and then eventually began to replace some of our suitcase contents.

When we finally got our bags back, I thought there was no way that we would see any cash to make up for our extra expenses. But US Air picked up the slack for us and reimbursed us for almost $1,000 worth of replacement clothes and toiletries. Or so they say, at least. The check is in the mail!


1 Antropologa January 26, 2011 at 16:08

Great! I just finally got an email response about the request I put in for my mother’s luggage that was lost for like two weeks in the end!

2 admin January 26, 2011 at 19:58

Good luck Antropologa!

3 Marilyn January 26, 2011 at 22:07

That was so nice to read. Fingers crossed that the check will fare better than the luggage initially did.

4 admin January 27, 2011 at 08:29

Thanks Marilyn. I spent so much time complaining about the travel not going well that it only seemed fair to compliment the good stuff!

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