Dancing in the streets: party in Portugal

June 13, 2013

in Lisbon,Portugal


The street festival was already in full swing when we arrived.


Festas santos populares: popular saints festival.

As we were out exploring Lisbon’s Barrio Alto neighborhood on Sunday, we ran into the preparations for a street festival right next to the Bica funicular. Streamers were being hung, stands set up, grills loaded with coals. It looked like fun and since it was a holiday weekend, we figured that the party would be worth checking out. So after dinner, we wandered over to festas santos populares or the popular saints festival. From blocks away, you could hear the band.

Walking up the steep hill toward the party, the streets were packed with people of all ages. Men were dancing with women, women dancing with other women, young girls dancing with their fathers. Conga lines formed and then fizzled out. There were more than a few songs where it seemed the entire crowd knew all the words. Sardines and slabs of pork were sizzling on the grills. The churro booth had a line that went down the street. Portuguese Super Bock beer was flowing from the taps and sangria being sold from enormous pitchers.

It was all irresistible.


While the Bica Funicular was running earlier in the day, it was stopped in the evening.


Tables were being decorated before the party.

lisbon street festival

Even doorways were festooned with crepe paper decorations.

Even though I had either broken or sprained my toe the day before and did not recognize even one of the Portuguese songs, the beat was lively and I couldn’t resist just a little standing-there-but-not-moving-too-much dancing. And oh yes, the sangria helped to fuel up the fun level immensely. When I found out that these street festivals continue throughout the month of June, I think I fell just a little bit in love with Lisbon.

festas santos populares

Conga lines and line dances were a regular party of the dancing.


The band.

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