A happy Halloween in Stockholm

October 30, 2011

in Living in Europe,Stockholm,Sweden

bar pumpkin

A carved pumpkin on the bar at the Sandhamn hotel.

hotorget pumpkins

A pile of pumpkins at Hötorget market.

During the seven years I’ve lived in Stockholm, I’ve seen Halloween slowly creep into the culture. And as a Halloween loving American with fond memories of trick or treating, candy, costumes and parties, I couldn’t be happier.

When I first moved here, it was hard to find a pumpkin to carve. This year, even my local grocery had some. And I’ve seen quite a few carved pumpkins around too. Some friends told me they had trick or treaters last night. I’ve also been seeing Halloween decorations in stores, restaurants and bars. I know it’s silly, but it all feels like home to me.

hotorget witch

More pumpkins and a witch at Hötorget.

ghost on drottningatan

And a ghost on Drottningatan.

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Cultural blending: Dressing up for Halloween and honoring All Saint’s Day | 59 North
November 2, 2014 at 15:20

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