This is where I live: Stockholm

October 24, 2013

in Living abroad,Living in Sweden

Stockholm Just another beautiful sunset over Södermalm.


Walking home along the water today, the view stopped me. Looking across the deep navy blue Baltic Sea toward the enormous Royal Palace and Gamla Stan or the old town island, I thought: wow! This is where I live.

Everything felt so right just then and I could not resist smiling, then laughing out loud. Stockholm is such a pretty city with all of its islands, bridges, buildings in shades of golds and reds, ferry boats, cruise ships, tree-lined boulevards and winding cobblestone streets.  It’s got such good looks.

I feel happy to be here. For life is good right now in ways both big and small. This week, I’m happy to be part of a performance at the Modern art museum. I’m glad that I: made a tasty Asian fusion dinner with salmon and lots of vegies, conducted an interesting interview with a fellow expat at work, went to a friend’s birthday party, took a kick-ass spinning class, and chatted with an old friend from home on Skype. And I am relieved that everything is OK with me after the tests I had at the hospital.

So right now, I want to stop again. And say that I am feeling grateful for all of this and more in this beautiful city where I live.


Stockholm And another view over the Baltic.



1 Lou Lou October 26, 2013 at 11:04

Beautiful! Stockholm is very lovely. Hope the performances are going well.

2 Sandra October 28, 2013 at 22:50

Thanks Lou Lou. It is indeed a pretty city we live in. As for the performances, they did go well.

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