I can be a wimp. I know you can’t believe it. And it’s hard to believe given that I grew up with two brothers and played basketball and soccer and went fishing all the time and camping too. But yes, it’s true, I can be what my Dad calls a girly girl. In all those years of fishing, I never had to bait my hook or take the fish off the hook. My Dad did it for me. And then Robert took over. So I blame them for this.
But back to the wimp stuff. We’ve been staying in the archipelago and just about every morning, Robert dives into the Baltic for a morning swim. He jumps in, swims around, snorkels, dives down for treasures and in general has himself a fine old time. Every day, I dutifully accompany him to the jetty and stick my toes in the water. And every day we have the same conversation.
Robert: Aren’t you coming in?
Me, looking at the thermometer on the ladder: It’s 17 degrees C (62F). That’s freaking cold. There’s no way I’m getting in.
Robert: Ah, it’s invigorating. You’ll feel great once you jump in.
Me: Are you crazy? It’s not warm out. I NEED warmer weather before I want to swim. I NEED warmer water to swim in.
Then, yesterday, I finally decided to quit being such a wimp and jump in. The sun was shining. It was kinda warm outside (20c). So I was making my way down the ladder, taking my time, getting adjusted to my feet going numb. Then Robert cannonballed it into the water, completely drenching me with that icy water. I screamed.
Me: You’re such an adolescent.
Robert, laughing: Doesn’t the water feel great?
Me: No. And you’re an idiot.
And in a nutshell, that is how Robert and I are different.

The storm clouds keep coming up. Then it rains again. And the Baltic Sea stays just a little too chilly for me.
{ 1 comment }
These are some comments from Facebook about this post:
• Marilyn Marshall Bojler: This is a wonderful article Sandra! I haven’t been in yet this year. I thought of it a few days ago and wondered if it would happen. My cold limit used to be 14 degrees, but I think it’s gone up with my age. Thanks for sharing!
• Sharon Swanke Lannfjäll: Ha ha, that could so have been the same story with me and Tom! I hate cold water, have never swum in the Baltic and I admire your bravery!
* Barb Reichel Burnett: Boy do i remember how cold that water was….especially falling in and taking an “open” shower.
* MJ Segerlund: Oh, Sandra Carpenter I can soooo relate to your reaction to the Baltic Sea!! We’d make a great pair out there.
*Julie Sultan: So true! I love this article.
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