The right to enjoy nature

July 19, 2009

in Cultural differences,Stockholm,Stockholm's archipelago,Travels


Another gorgeous sunset on the archipelago.

On Friday, we boated to a small island on the archipelago and set up for a long evening with friends. There were eight of us and we spread out a pot luck BBQ on the rocks, everyone chipping in to help with the preparations. The day was gorgeous and warm and truly just perfect. It’s so wonderfully Robinson Crusoe-like to be able to just tie up your boat and stake out your space on an island – being able to do this is one of the things I love most about living here, in fact. As a resident of Sweden, it’s actually my right to be able to do this.

Hanging out on the rocks with Judy, Rich, MB and Marilyn.

Hanging out on the rocks with Judy, Rich, MB and Marilyn.

It’s all thanks to allemansrätt or the right of public access. Part of the Swedish constitution,  allemansrätt gives everyone the right to access, walk, cycle, ride, ski and camp on the land. You can do all of this most anywhere except within sight of someone’s home. Basically, allemansrätt means that everyone has the right to enjoy nature. It’s so wonderfully Swedish to have the enjoyment of nature as a right.

{ 1 comment }

1 Mary Beth July 20, 2009 at 20:59

Ok, first great weather, great location and the best of friends.


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