Finding balance is one of the overriding themes of my book. Like so many, I am looking to find the balance between my life and my work. In the US, I spent a lot of energy working to establish my career and get ahead, be a manager, earn a good salary. I wanted all that too in Sweden. But it didn’t quite happen the way I hoped it would. After some time, I did get the dream job with all the amenities I dreamed necessary in terms of title and salary. But I came to find it was not enough. My balance was off. Being the one in charge began to lose its appeal. Instead, I found I was missing writing. Writing was what I got into magazine publishing for in the first place. But creating that 350-word editor’s note once a month was not enough to sustain me anymore. I wanted to create my own stuff, not just make someone else’s stuff look better. Thus came the decision to write the book and hopefully find that happy balance in life.
Interestingly, I thinks the Swedes do a great job with the work/family balance. They seem to just know that family takes precedence over work. I am not always sure that we understand that so well in the US.
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