The end of a trip

April 1, 2010

in Australia,Travels

59 North blog by Sandra Carpenter. Beach houses in Brighton Beach, Melbourne. Australia.

The old bath houses on Brighton Beach in Melbourne. Photo by Robert Corkery.

I always reach the point at the end of a holiday where I realize that I have not succeeded in doing half of what I had planned to do. It’s when I get pouty and grumpy abut having to leave. That bottom point was reached on Friday for me. I was on the beach in Brighton, so there was no reason to feel so down.

But I had to go through the saying goodbye process and now I am peacefully facing the fact that the end of my trip has come. In some ways, that is a good thing. Our rental car is coated in grasshopper guts on the front end and inside, it is rather smelly and dirty after four weeks of travel. And as I have mentioned, my suitcase is in a bad state. So I am ready to give up that part of the trip at least.

But I am not at all ready to deal with leaving shorts and sandals behind.  Maybe there is a heat wave on the way north to Stockholm?

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