Today was the deadline for filing your taxes in Sweden. Declaring your income here is such an easy process that in less than five minutes, Robert and I were both done. You simply sms your details in to the tax authorities and within less than a minute, they let you know that your info has been received. It’s that simple. Two years ago, we even filed our returns from Australia.

You have to admire the efficiency of this system, especially in comparasion to what I have to go through with my US taxes. With them, I have to fill out page and pages of forms, even though my income is already taxed in Sweden. In fact, the procees is so complicated that I have to pay an accountant to do it. Maybe the contrast between the two systems is actually what I love best. Somehow, filing taxes here is a perfect example of Swedish efficiency in action.

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The Swedish conveniences I love | 59 North
November 20, 2013 at 23:07


1 nicoleglaeser May 5, 2009 at 18:43

Where are you on Twitter? Now that I start understanding the twitter thinking, it is fun!

2 Susan May 6, 2009 at 12:25

do you have someone locally helping with your us taxes? i’m on the prowl for someone…

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