Translating Swedish into English

September 9, 2010

in Stockholm

It was a classic case of miscommunication. On Tuesday, I started Swedish class again after a summer break. As I greeted my instructor, Gunilla commented on my new apartment: Vad bra addressor du bor i or what good addresses you live in. Not quite transitioned yet into full Swedish mode, both my fellow student Deb and I thought she was commenting on the dress I was wearing. Just as I started to thank her, I realized what she had actually commented on was my apartment. It was like I had a transmission delay in making the switch from English into Swedish.We all had a good laugh then and moved into talking about our summer holidays – in Swedish, of course.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, my Swedish is getting better.  This summer, I had to spend a lot of time on the phone canceling our phone, cable, electricity and other accounts and also giving them our new address. For these calls, I had to quickly comprehend what department I needed to be transferred to over and over again. When I finally got through all the layers of Swedish, I felt rather proud.


1 Anna September 12, 2010 at 10:59

You should feel proud Sandra!

2 admin September 12, 2010 at 11:33

Thanks Anna! I was proud of the phone part, just not so much so about the address/dress part!

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