Where are all the moose?

September 23, 2009

in Life as an expat,Living abroad,Living in Sweden,Stockholm,Travels

Moose crossing. Right....

Moose crossing. Right....

Heading out of town this weekend, I saw signs for moose everywhere. But I didn’t see one. I seldom do. In my five years here, I think I have seen maybe three (not counting the ones in the zoo at Skansen). On the other hand, I have seen plenty of reindeer in northern Sweden. Why not moose? Is the moose just a ruse to draw tourists to the Scandinavian countryside?

Driving through Norway two years ago, we went through long stretches of highway with huge moose barrier fences. And then every few miles there would be these breaks in the fence with marked crossing zones for the moose. I thought for sure I would see a moose ambling across the road. But no such luck.

So what does a girl from the Midwest have to do to see a moose?


1 Leigh Lundhagen September 23, 2009 at 15:02

I saw a moose when I was out for a run in Bromma! I coudn’t believe my eyes!

2 liv September 24, 2009 at 21:45

I live in Stockholm and I see them every year. In the archipelago last summer (I have seen them swimming too) and on Ingarö just a couple of weeks ago. That was in the middle of the day, but you should be out at dusk or dawn to increase your chances. And look where the forest opens up a bit. They are big, but they move surprisingly quiet.

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