Heading out to the woods or the archipelago, picking flowers, berries and mushrooms. These are the things that every Swede aspires to do. So much so that the right to enjoy and be in nature is protected in the Swedish constitution. Allemansrätten is the right of public access and it guarantees that everyone can head out to the land and spend time on it, whether they own a little place in the country or not.
While there are a few rules that go along with allemansrätten, basically as long as you don’t camp in someone’s yard, leave behind your trash or in other ways disturb the environment, you have the right to be in nature – to wander in fields and forests, camp, boat and swim to your hear’t content. Being out in the countryside last week reminded me of allemansrätten again and made me appreciate how good of an idea it is for everyone to be allowed to enjoy the land.
Looking forward to enjoying the wonderful Swedish outdoors in about 6 weeks.
That’s fantastic James! Let me know when–we owe you a meal!
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