Maybe it's not the proverbial promised land, but Stockholm is pretty. Here's a view toward Skeppsholmen, one of the islands in the center of the city.
I live in a happy country. In fact, I live in one of the world’s happiest places. Or at least I do according to Forbes magazine and a new report from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation Development. (See World\’s Happiest Places.) The report looked at life satisfaction and basically people were asked if their lives were dominated by positive or negative experiences and feelings.
My homeland of the US didn’t even make it into the top 10, unfortunately. Meanwhile, my adopted homeland of Sweden is number four on the list. Apparently, the ratings had a lot to do with the overall economic health of the countries in the poll. And as we all know, the US unemployment rate is rather high at the moment. In contrast, the countries at the top of the list have some of the highest gross domestic product per capita in the world.
Now while I can’t begin to speak for the rest of my fellow Swedish residents, I can admit that I am happy with my life. It’s not without its ups and downs, of course, but overall I would have to say that I am pretty happy. So that’s good.
As I am sure you want to know who else made the list so that you know where to relocate to, here are the happy places, from most happy to least: 1. Denmark, 2. Finland, 3. Netherlands, 4. Sweden, 5. Ireland, 6. Canada, 7. Switzerland, 8. New Zealand, 9. Norway, 10. Belgium.
Shall we meet in Copenhagen for lunch? I can be there this afternoon for a dose of total happiness.
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