Stockholm’s holiday traditions: window shopping

December 24, 2011

in Stockholm,Sweden,Swedish traditions,what to see in Stockholm

nk store front

The front of NK.

Every year, the department store NK decks out their windows with creative visions of Christmas. It’s a big tradition and Stockholmers young, old and in between line up in front of the store to see each display window. I always look forward to seeing what’s there. This year, there is a clever Santa’s workshop theme and the Santa getting dressed display in particular made me laugh with the collection of neoprene suits – one with high heel boots –  in the wardrobe. Who knew that Santa could be so feisty?

nk jul tree

Inside NK, the Christmas tree.

nk crowds

The crowds in front of the windows.

nk santa

Santa and his wardrobe dilemma of what suit to wear. I love the slippers!

octopus santa

Santa must be like an octopus and have many arms so that he can get everything done before Christmas.

nk holiday table

The holiday sweet table.

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Classic Christmas decorating traditions in Stockholm | 59 North
November 24, 2013 at 20:32

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