Stepping into Stockholm’s past

February 11, 2010

in Stockholm,Stockholm's food,Swedish traditions

the front entrance to Kristinehovs.

The front entrance to Kristinehovs.

Yesterday I traveled back in time to 18th century Sweden. I went to a valentine’s day luncheon at Kristinehovs Malmgård, a manor house that was built in 1790 Södermalm. The place has been beautifully restored and now it can be rented for lunches, weddings and parties.

The dining room, set for lunch.

The dining room, set for lunch.

In keeping with the house, the servers were all dressed in 18th century garb and we were treated to an 18th century typically Swedish meal: cold salmon, a potato salad and pureed peas. Come to think of it, this combination is one that you would find on many a restaurant menu and in many a home here today. And while it may not sound so interesting, it was actually delicious. The salmon is so very good here. When I was back in Cincinnati, I had salmon as part of a tasting menu at a nice restaurant and the difference was remarkable – the disappointing Cincy version would not stand up to the quality of even a casual restaurant here.

Taking the old details still further, our meals were served on a china pattern of that time and we sat on chair designs of the period. In thinking about it, the Swedish feeling was perhaps disturbed  by the crowd of 70 loud American and international women who were at the lunch.

One of Kristinehovs talented waiters.

One of Kristinehovs' talented waiters.

Our 18th century lunch.

Our 18th century lunch.

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