Being this far north, I don’t get visitors as often as I would like. So when I heard from a friend at 5 pm yesterday that she was going to be in Stockholm overnight due to a flight cancellation, I was thrilled. Sad for her about her botched travel, of course. But happy that this unexpected change in her plans meant that we would get an evening together.
Seamlessly, Elissa joined in on my plans for the night, meeting up for dinner and then dancing with some of my friends here. We chatted like we had seen each other yesterday and not more than a year ago. On the dance floor, it felt like we were back in university together again, releasing all of our energy after a long night of putting together the campus newspaper.
Then we came back to my place and chatted still more in spite of the fact that she had an early morning international flight to catch the that included several stops before she made it home to Cincinnati. As Elissa so perfectly wrote: #sleepwhenyouredead.
It was a perfectly unexpected night. And that made it somehow just perfect.

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