Over the last two weeks, I took a break – for the most part – from blogging. Thanks to an ongoing injury, I needed to give my wrist and shoulder a break from the computer. And since I was back in my home town of Cincinnati, I was also a bit too busy trying to spend time with family and friends.
Two weeks is never enough time to get caught up, of course, but it does amaze me how easily and quickly you can reconnect with close friends and family. A girlfriends’ night, long lunches and dinners out and at friends’ houses were all part of the fun. And on my layover in Chicago, I was even able to spend a few hours with an old coworker. It was all a wonderful whirlwind.
But I do get worried about what the continuing distance will do to friendships. In September, I will have lived in Sweden for five years. That’s not forever, but it is a long time. Friends have gotten married, divorced, died and had babies while I’ve been gone. It also hurts to not be there for for the day to day camaraderie. But for now at least, the connections are still good. I hope we can keep them that way.
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