Off the beaten path in Stockholm

February 10, 2012

in Art, architecture, music, film & books,Living in Sweden,Stockholm,what to see in Stockholm


Johannes klockstapel or bell tower dates from 1692 and is in the middle of Stockholm. Photos by Robert Corkery.

johannes belltower

I love this crazy, from-the-ground-up view of the bell tower.

Even in the center of town, it’s easy to step back in time in Stockholm. Turn off a busy street and you find yourself in an area that mostly looks like it did hundreds of years ago. While we were out walking in our neighborhood on Saturday, we crossed through Johannes churchyard.  The bell tower above was built in 1692 beside the original church which was a wooden chapel. The new church, below, was built in 1890 and is huge as well as gorgeous.

johannes kyrka

Inside Johannes church.


Across the street from Johannes church.


{ 1 comment }

1 maria February 10, 2012 at 12:56

Sandra, the direction of your photography gives the Johannes Church all it merits. Looks wonderful!

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