Not so lagom?

September 23, 2010

in Stockholm

I had been feeling rather proud of my Swedish ways lately, thinking that I had been having a more lagom, go with the flow attitude. But then I was out for a bike ride yesterday. The day was gloriously sunny. After about two minutes on the path, a group of construction workers leaped directly from a parking lot into my way without looking and then had the nerve to tell me to watch where I was going.

After five minutes on the path, a woman riding her bike in the opposite direction nearly ran me off the road. She was texting. I really wanted to yell, “quit texting or get off your bike, you idiot” but instead took a softer approach and just gave her the mean glare. It was not very satisfying, I have to say. I longed for a big horn to honk at her.

But since the day was wonderful, I continued. And then I was blocked by group after group of moms with strollers. The moms were out in force, spreading across the trail four and five abreast so that no one could get around them without going off road. Which I did, time and time again, as these ladies just would not share the path.

I had to bite my tongue to not yell at them to have a little consideration for the rest of us. I would really like to hand out a rules of the path guide that includes such radical ideas as don’t text and ride, don’t hog the entire path and for goodness sake, don’t walk on the part of the path that is designated for cycles unless you want to be run over. It just seems like common sense.

Now that I think about it, my need for rules sounds a bit Swedish, as does my non-confrontational behavior. But the road rage definitely felt rather American.


1 Pingis September 23, 2010 at 12:43

Lovely day despite crazy people!

2 admin September 23, 2010 at 15:33

You are exactly right!

3 Maria September 24, 2010 at 00:22

Next time, just start barking at people. That will certainly make them run away! That’s my technique!

4 Tom September 24, 2010 at 02:26

There are lots of cool places to ride in Stockholm. The south side of Söder is not one. Leave it to the moms. Tom

5 Lisa Kelly Zuba September 24, 2010 at 03:55

I guess I’ve got a bid of Swedish in me because I liked the rules too! Last year I spent in Houston and ran along the path by Rice University. A lovely place, but if you came out after 8am, watch out for the 3-4 abreast who couldn’t think of moving. Irritating. Elbows come in handy!! Just kidding!

Getting caught up on your blog. It’s very good!

6 admin September 24, 2010 at 08:18

Lisa, Thanks for reading! And I’m glad that I’m not the only one who craves rules!

7 admin September 24, 2010 at 08:18

Tom, That’s good advice! Now just give me some suggestions… And by the way, the first two incidents were on Kungsholmen.

8 admin September 24, 2010 at 08:19

You are hilarious! You must scare the heck out of people!

9 Roger September 29, 2010 at 13:19

Ride around Kungsholmen, pass the bridge to Solna, pass Pampas Marine and continue along the water to Sundbyberg, then turn further over next bridge to Bromma, follow the water round Minneberg-Alvik and then take the trainbridge to Stora Essingen, and then to Lilla Essingen and back to Kungsholmen.


10 admin September 29, 2010 at 13:37

Thanks Roger! That sounds like a good ride.

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