Swedish moose

Why did the moose cross the road?

As we were driving home from the archipelago Saturday night, we saw a moose. While we have seen them from a distance before, this was our first up-close moose sighting – he passed directly in front of our car and did not seem at all bothered by us. Just before that, we saw a young male deer as well as a fox. It was around dusk and all the animals were out on the hunt. Very cool indeed.


1 Mary Beth July 5, 2010 at 23:42

That is awesome! Great photo wish we were with you to see the moose!

2 maria July 6, 2010 at 00:14

Looks like the moose is on the loose! Yikes!

3 admin July 6, 2010 at 06:58

That moose was so cool.

4 Teddy Ackerman July 19, 2010 at 06:11

Yo, I didn’t know they had mooses in Sweden. You better go drink a Moosehead Beer (from Canada) to celebrate the sighting. Moose me.

5 admin July 19, 2010 at 08:26

Ha, ha Ted! There are many mooses here, which you would know if you came to visit… (hint, hint).

6 Roger August 6, 2010 at 09:55

There are many moose here, but I think the Canadian version can get even bigger.

7 admin August 8, 2010 at 22:25

I don’t think I would like to run into one here or in Canada, Roger.

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