Jet lagged or just winter blahs?

February 23, 2011

in Travels

So I thought I was really doing pretty well with the jet lag. I even bragged to a few friends that I was feeling fine. I signed up for a spinning class at the gym, feeling good about my resolve to feel good. The woman at the check-in counter printed out my class ticket and I got changed, then made my way into the spinning salon. As I walked in, I noticed that a class was just ending and I thought that was odd. So I looked at the clock and saw that the time was 11.50, walked back out and looked at my ticket. Only then did I notice that the class was at 11. Yikes! But I’m not sure what was worse: that I signed up for a class on-line and did not notice that it was at 11 and not the usual 12 or that the woman behind the counter actually printed out my class ticket at 11.45 and did not tell me that the class was almost over.

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