It’s hard to be transitioning from one season to the next. According to the calendar, spring will soon be here. But tell that to the weather guy who dumped all the snow on us last week. In the following days, most of the snow has melted and now it’s just rather sloppy and muddy. This morning, it was foggy and then rainy. And later in the day, the sun came out. The only constant right now is that the weather is always changing.
I have to say that it was good to be back in the snow for a few days, but only a few. Now I am done with it as well as all its after effects. Here in Stockholm, the city puts sand down on the streets and sidewalks to provide traction for people and cars. That’s great when there is snow on the ground. But now that’s all melting, the sand is just an annoying and dirty mess that I track into my hallway on my shoes. There was a great photo in the paper today that showed a snowbank that had been spray painted with “sommar tack” or summer thanks. So I have the feeling that I am not the only one to be done with the snow. At least I am seeing a few crocus starting to pop out of the ground.
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