Iconic Australia

February 10, 2011

in Australia,Travels


A bandicoot warning sign in Sydney.

I admit it: I still get excited when I see a kangaroo. Ditto for the bandicoot, wombat and echidna. Even after all these years of coming to Australia, these animals are still exotic to me. As I’ve been in cities for most of this trip, I have not seen any wildlife yet, only the road warning signs for them. But we will be heading into the Northern Territory tomorrow, so I am thinking my chances will improve then.

budgee smuggler

I saw this budgie smuggler ad on the side of a bus.

Speaking of Australian icons, what is more Australian than a day at the beach with the famous lifeguards? While the lifeguards these days wear board shorts and not Speedos, there are still plenty of brief-style swimsuits to be found on most beaches. (Unfortunately, they tend to be worn by people who should  not wear them.) These suits are called budgie smugglers here because the “bump” in the front is said to resemble a budgie or budgerigar, better known to most of us as a parakeet. The ad here is for the budgy smuggler company which specializes in swimwear for cheeky blokes. Classic.


1 Marilyn February 10, 2011 at 11:10

Great and varied food, animals, museums, hot beaches, exotic road signs-
I’m enjoying this trip so much – thank you!

2 Bryn February 10, 2011 at 14:49

Reading your Aussie posts makes me think that you sound so “at home” there …


3 Sharon February 11, 2011 at 09:25

Didn’t even know what a bandicoot or an echidna were! Had to look them up – a big eared mouse and an iggelkot wanna-be! Cute! Hey, I still get excited when I see hummingbirds and lizards in my parent’s back yard!

4 Kezia February 11, 2011 at 15:01

I agree with Bryn! I’m so glad you are enjoying Oz’s warm culture and climate. You do sound so at ease when you are there.

5 admin February 11, 2011 at 23:16

Hi Marilyn, Bryn, Sharon and Kezia. Thanks for the wonderful comments. I am happy when I am here. We’ve travelled up into the Northern Territory and I will have to get some internet time soon! And Sharon, I should have clarified what those animals are!

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