Hollywood calling, via Norway

August 28, 2010

in Stockholm

The only thing I can figure is that I’ve had a bad cold and had had too many cold medications. On a whim, I went to a casting call yesterday. The directors were looking for an American woman between 30 and 60 to play the role of a spaceship captain for a Norwegian television commercial. Although I was not so sure that I had the look of a spaceship captain, I did have the sex, age and nationality down. And it was just a bit too funny to pass up. So I gathered up some like-minded friends and we went to the audition.

On camera, I had to say who I was, where I was from and what I do and then I had to deliver a few lines while pretending I was at the helm of a space ship, acting as if I was calm and authoritative under pressure. I think I was just a bit too amused by the whole scenario to deliver the authority that the spaceship captain needed to have, but it was pretty fun to do anyway. I’m betting my friend Jodi got the part…

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Hollywood in town | 59 North
September 29, 2010 at 14:13


1 Jodi August 28, 2010 at 12:03

Well, she did say I was bossy…in a good way! Doug loved that! It was great being together…

2 admin August 28, 2010 at 12:09

Too funny Jodi. I just think you are a much more natural thespian!

3 Antropologa August 28, 2010 at 18:08

That’s really funny. 🙂

4 admin August 29, 2010 at 17:38

Antroploga: Let me know if you or LG want to be in one too…apparently they are always looking!

5 christian August 30, 2010 at 00:17

lol…some great mental imagery there!

6 admin August 30, 2010 at 10:42

Christian, The whole thing was so very funny. How is your Stockholm housing search? I read last week that there’s talk of a big cruise style ship being brought into town for students to live on!

7 christian August 31, 2010 at 00:04

Haha…I can only imagine what they would get up to!

I haven’t been doing any house hunting yet, as I am yet to even apply for the PhD programme. Applications don’t open until late September… In all likelihood I think I will end up being based in Australia for my PhD, and just spend six months or a year as a visiting student somewhere in Europe as part of my research, but we’ll see…. I’ve got two other applications in train for British universities as well, so everything is still up in the air!

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