vasastan balcony

Picnic on the balcony.

It’s officially summer now. Yesterday was sunny and 22 degrees C. And it was a red day or a holiday. But more than that, we had our first Swedish summer food of the year. Zanne and Micke had us over for herring, knäckebröd, Västerbotten cheese, snaps and new potatoes. OK, I know that all these foods are served regularly at smörgåsbords year round, but somehow, they most remind me of summertime in Sweden. More than that, I’ve actually come to like herring. Go figure on that. It’s definitely not something I would have EVER eaten in the US!

herring and potatoes

Knäckebröd, Västerbotten cheese, herring and potatoes.


Some of the different herrings we sampled.


And snaps is a necessity. It also helps to get rid of the fish breath.


1 James June 3, 2011 at 10:31

Dear Swedish Summer – please don’t peak too early!

2 Roger June 3, 2011 at 11:58

Norwegian and Danish snaps represent Swedish summer ????, only the Hallands Fläder and Skåne Aquavit are good enough for that 🙂

And Sandy where is the strawberry cake ???
oj oj oj, 🙂 🙂 🙂

3 Sandra June 3, 2011 at 12:39

So sorry Roger! While I do like the Fläder, that Danish one was pretty good too. And I was looking for strawberry cake, but you did not bring me one!!! When are you making it for me again? You know it’s my favorite. Actually, I think I need the recipe!

4 Sandra June 3, 2011 at 12:39

James, I will put in a good word for you. But you know that Swedish summer is an often elusive season…

5 liv June 4, 2011 at 20:26

I have to disagree with Roger. Aalborg and Linieakvavit, as Danish as Norweigian as they are, are still a must on any Swedish table! They have a secure place in the Swedish traditions! 🙂

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