Embracing the day, even when it’s snowing in April

April 2, 2012

in Living in Sweden,Stockholm weather

It’s been snowing for the last several days. I knew the chances were good that it would snow again. I remember very well that it snowed last year in May. But. After getting back from Australia, I was really hoping for – OK, I needed – spring weather here. And we actually did have a week’s worth of temperatures around 10 degrees c. That seemed acceptable. But this week it’s below zero and as I mentioned already, it’s snowing. I went for a long walk on Djurgården this morning with some friends. We were proud of ourselves for getting out and we had a good time. But dang, it was cold and windy. I’ve been back for over two hours and I am still a bit chilled. At least the sun is shining at the moment. And the snow is not really accumulating.  So I am grateful for that.

snow in april

April fool's day snow in Stockholm.


1 Lou Lou April 3, 2012 at 23:06

Just whom is April fooling? I’ve been told this is all typical ‘April’ weather, when I mentioned it had already started in March I was met with silence.

2 Sandra April 4, 2012 at 09:11

April fools no one Lou Lou. This is just our perverse payback for living near the Arctic.

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