Downgrading a cyclone

February 17, 2011

in Australia,Travels

fallen tree

The aftermath of Carlos. All photos by Robert Corkery.

Cyclone Carlos has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is now known as x tropical cyclone Carlos. We spent the night safely holed up in our hotel room while the wind howled and bent  the palm trees outside our window. It was strange to know that devastation was going on – trees were being knocked down, homes damaged, power was out and streets were flooded, but that inside our hotel we were fine.

cyclone carlos

Even a raincoat and umbrella were no help against getting wet from Carlos.

This morning,  it’s windy, but nothing like yesterday and we were even able to eat breakfast outside. Trees and debris are already being cleaned up, with trucks full of branches and trees going by us regularly.

Nonetheless, the airport is just opening back up and our flight today was cancelled. Right now, we can’t get back to Sydney until Saturday evening, just in time to make our flight back to Stockholm on Sunday. Strange days indeed.

carlos cyclone

The view from the hotel bar.

cyclone carlos

It was blowing like crazy last night.


1 Marilyn February 17, 2011 at 06:42

Glad to know that you’re both safe.
How exciting!

2 Sharon February 17, 2011 at 08:16

Yes, there’s nothing like a good storm that you puts you in awe of the power of nature. When we lived in the Philippines in 1970, we experienced the worst typhoon in 50 years, followed by a cyclone. Such devestation in the slums of Manila! We had no water, electricity or telephone for a week. And no school! The actual storm had my mother and me cringing against the walls as we watched the wind pick up the wrought-iron patio furniture and hurl it into the glass doors.

3 admin February 17, 2011 at 13:24

Wow, that’s a good memory Sharon. That must have been terrifying and fascinating.

4 admin February 17, 2011 at 13:24

Thanks Marilyn!

5 maria February 17, 2011 at 20:16

Great photos! Just don’t get blown away!

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