Classic Swedish cooking

May 29, 2011

in Sweden,Sweden,Swedish food

hedvigsfors table

Setting the dinner table for us at Hedvigsfors Manor.

When we first moved to Stockholm, salmon was served at every dinner party we went to. I was not a big fan of salmon, so I came to dread those dinners. But over the years, I’ve grown to like and even enjoy Swedish salmon. Just another of the ways I’ve been Swede-ified, I suppose. While I was in the countryside the last few days, I had one fantastic Swedish dining experience after the other. And it probably goes without saying that I had salmon. And naturally, det smakade väldigt bra – it tasted very good.  Here’s a peek at some of the classic Swedish cooking I got to sample.

Hedvigsfors salmon

Salmon served with carrots and spring onions, as well as the most amazing mushrooms.

Hedvigsfors appetizer

Before the salmon, we had fresh asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and ham.

cloudberry sorbet

Dessert was a cloudberry sorbet. These golden yellow berries grow in northern Sweden.


On the second night, reindeer was served in both roast and sausage form, together with an almond potato puree.

smoked cod

The starter was smoked cod, poached quail egg, asparagus and ramson aioli.

Swedish meatballs

And for our final meal: classic Swedish meatballs were made from elk and served with lingonberries, cucumber and new potatoes.


1 Marilyn May 29, 2011 at 23:16

What a fabulously delicious experience!

2 Sandra May 30, 2011 at 09:14

Marilyn, It definitely was a tasty trip.

3 janerowena May 30, 2011 at 21:31

I’m so jealous, the whole trip looks like such a good break.

4 Sharon May 31, 2011 at 08:10

That sure was some tasty-looking food!!

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