Cincinnati chili: the real stuff

December 14, 2011

in Cincinnati: my hometown

cincinnati chili

A cheese coney and three way from Skyline Chili.

Remember a few weeks ago when Robert and I made our own version of Cincinnati chili? Well, here’s a photo of the real deal from Skyline Chili. Check out that mound of ORANGE cheddar cheese. And behind the three way on the left is a cheese coney – a hot dog on a bun with chili and cheese. On the right is a bowl of oyster crackers to eat with the chili. Calorie overload? You got that right. But it was worth it.


1 janerowena December 15, 2011 at 13:50

That’s american-style cheddar? That’s really funny! We english used to get in trouble for making our own versions of french cheese and wines and champagnes and the EU banned us from doing anything like that – it doesn’t look as if we are going to bother to sue anyone who makes cheddar, even when it’s orange!

After a few months of living in Napierville, Chicago when my ex-husband worked for Amoco I am still trying to get over the strange substance called Monterey Jack. I’m not sure what it was. But whoever called it cheese was lying.

2 Sandra December 16, 2011 at 11:27

Jane: Thanks for the laugh. I know it’s hard for most Europeans to believe that cheddar in the US is orange.

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