Celebrating Australia Day in Sweden

January 31, 2010

in Australia,Stockholm,Travels

Robert and I didn’t make it to the official Australia Day party at The Liffey. But we did do a belated celebration of sorts last night and had some friends over for dinner. Given the wintery weather here, we had to celebrate in a more Scandinavian way as it was way too cold to have a barbie and besides, the grill has about a foot of snow covering it. So instead, we ate inside and made a decidedly Scandinavian meal of fish soup with salmon, shrimp, herring and vegetables in it. At least we served it with a variety of Australian wines including ones from Tatachilla and Coonawarra.

And for dessert, we went very Australian and Robert made a Pavlova. It has a meringue shell that’s filled with cream and bananas, kiwis, strawberries and passionfruit. Depending on who you believe or where you live, the dessert was was first created by either Australians or New Zealanders to celebrate the dancing of ballerina Anna Pavlova.  I am a big fan of the “pav,” but we did not have one for Christmas this year. So I asked Robert to make one for our dinner. Like any good Aussie, Robert makes a tasty Pavlova. So we shared it with a group of friends who had never had it before. And now they love Pavlova too. Unfortunately, that meant there were no leftovers.


1 beth keith January 31, 2010 at 20:57

sweden will miss you two if you ever leave.
you’re always having parties!

hopefully, someday, dave and i will attend one.

2 admin January 31, 2010 at 22:52

Thanks Beth. We do enjoy life here!

3 MB February 1, 2010 at 09:24

Loved the Pavlova. Can’t wait for Robert to make another.

4 admin February 2, 2010 at 15:44

I love it too. Wish I was eating some right now, in fact.

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