Back to winter

February 22, 2011

in Australia,Stockholm,Stockholm weather,Travels

circular quay

The view from Darling Harbour in Sydney the night before we left sunny and warm weather behind.

When we got home to Stockholm yesterday afternoon, it was snowing and -7 c. It could have been worse. When we landed in Helsinki, it was -29. (Our route home was Sydney to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to Helsinki and then home.) But of course, it could have been better. It was 31 and sunny when we left Sydney. What a difference 35 hours can make!

One good thing that we did with our layover in Hong Kong was to stop at the Traveler’s Lounge  there. On our way to Australia, we were given a complimentary pass to the lounge as we had a six-hour layover. This time, it was only three hours and we did not get the freebie. But we decided it was worth it to pay on our own. For about $50 US per person, we had hot showers, a 15-minute massage, a cocktail, an Asian buffet and all sorts of other drink options, free internet access, international magazines and newspapers, and comfortable chairs to relax in. Stopping there actually makes you feel human on a long-haul flight. By the way, the lounge is open to all travelers on all airlines.


1 maria February 22, 2011 at 12:25

Welcome back! Look forward to hearing more about your travels!

2 Britta February 22, 2011 at 13:16

Welcome back to cold Europe!
And thank you for sharing your adventure with us! It was exciting.

3 admin February 22, 2011 at 16:09

Thanks Maria and Britta. It’s good to be back. Although I do miss summer weather already!

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