Archipelago island getaway

August 15, 2012

in Life as an expat,Living abroad,Living in Sweden,Stockholm,Stockholm's archipelago

stockholm archipelago

The twilight view from our jetty on Yxlan.

For the past few days, we’ve been staying on an island called Yxlan in Stockholm’s archipelago. Robert and I are at my friend MJ’s gorgeous summer house on Yxlan and while we both have a lot of work to do, we are also enjoying ourselves. The house has an amazing water view and as I work, I can watch the sailboats go by. But by far the biggest excitement is when one of the Waxholmbolaget passenger ferries goes by. There is a ferry stop just a few houses away and every morning at 7, the boat pulls up and one of our neighbors gets in. We like to imagine that he is going into Stockholm to work. Wouldn’t that be a cool morning commute?

stockholm archipelago yxlan

I like watching the sailboats go by as I write.

stockholm archipelago

The jetty.

stockholm archipelago

The Sjobris – Sea Breeze – on its morning commute.

stockholm archipelago

On the waterfront.


1 Roger August 19, 2012 at 17:08

Very nice, Stockholm archipelago at its most beautiful.

2 Sandra August 29, 2012 at 16:41

Thanks Roger. It is so nice, isn’t it?

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