An American import?

June 23, 2010

in Cultural differences,Stockholm

A little slice of American political commentary in Östermalm.

On a recent walk in Östermalm – one of the poshest neighborhoods in Stockholm – I came across this car. It was just so incongruous to see an old beat up American car like this with all those American bumper stickers that it made me laugh out loud. It was as if the car had been picked up from a street in middle America in 1982 and then magically plopped down into 2010 Stockholm.


1 Tom June 23, 2010 at 11:25

It took me almost a year when I first came to notice the absence of bumper stickers on Swedish cars. Then when you ask your colleagues why something isn’t there they just stare back. I think this bumper sticker issue says something fundamental about the two societies.

2 Antropologa June 23, 2010 at 12:45

What a treat!

I actually brought a couple of bumper stickers for my car here–an Obama one, one from my college, one from the tropical island I left. But Tom is right, my Volvo would probably look very weird with bumper stickers here.

3 admin June 23, 2010 at 14:40

I love it Tom. An when you work out what it says about the two societies, I want to hear about it! As for bumper stickers here, they are probably not so lagom?

4 admin June 23, 2010 at 14:41

That’s great Antropologa! You will have a unique Volvo in this part of the world.

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