“The water. I need to get to the water.” A frantic, desperate looking Russian woman grabbed my arm as I passed her on the street. She’d first said something incomprehensible to me in Russian, then switched to a barely recognizable English.
I pointed in the opposite direction she was heading as I assumed that she meant the sea and she was literally two blocks away from the Baltic Sea. But she clearly had no idea where she was. I recognized her lost look – I think I wore it permanently for the first six months I lived in Stockholm. I’ve been there so many times. But what’s funny is that people ALWAYS ask me for directions. I take it as a compliment – that I must look like I know where I’m going. Robert thinks that it’s more that I look approachable and like I might actually be able to help. Which I suppose is all true in some kind of way.
Now that it’s heading into prime tourist season in Stockholm, I will be getting these questions just about every day. It’s kind of fun.
And of course, the tourist invasion also means that spring is here and summer is coming. The flower photos are just more signs of spring.
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